Language Services

Certified Translations

Certified translators are necessary for public offices, authorities, or courts and must be done by qualified translators. If you need a translation from English to German or vice versa, you have come to the right place. For other languages, you may find suitable translators on the Justice Portal of the Federal and State Governments.


As publicly appointed and state-certified translator, I charge the official prices as listed in the German Judicial Remuneration and Compensation Act (JVEG). According to § 11 JVEG, these are calculated based on the number of characters of the translated text in the target language. If applicable, printing and shipping costs will be added.

  • €1.80 per 55 characters in the target language (basic fee) when sending an editable text (Word document)
  • otherwise €1.95 per 55 characters in the target language (increased fee)

Under difficult conditions (e. g., special urgency, poor legibility, particularly many technical terms), the basic fee amounts to €1.95 and the increased fee to €2.10. As prices are calculated on the basis of the translated text, it is not possible to determine the exact costs in advance. However, I will be happy to provide you with a price range based on my experience after reviewing your text, so that you have a rough idea of the costs.


Professional Translations

As well as providing translation services from French to German, I also offer various types of translation services from English to German and vice versa, including the translation of: 

  • articles
  • websites
  • newsletters


As studied and certified translator, I charge the customary prices ascertained by the German Federal Association of Interpreters and Translators (BDÜ). My individual fee is calculated on an hourly basis. The time required to translate depends on the level of difficulty, length, and specification of your text.

Sonstige Übersetzungen


Whether pertaining to a speech, presentation, sermon, or discussion, the communicative intention is paramount to oral translation (interpreting). I offer simultaneous interpreting (using interpretation equipment or as chuchotage) and consecutive or conversational interpreting, both from English to German and vice versa. My main areas of expertise include:

Biblical Topics

Israel and the Middle East

Holocaust and Antisemitism

Below, you find a selection of speakers I have already interpreted:

  • Bert-Jan Ruissen, Member of the European Parliament (Netherlands)
  • Dr. Jürgen Bühler, President of the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem (Germany/Israel)
  • Liz Elsby, Holocaust educator at Yad Vashem (Israel)
  • David Parsons, lawyer and Middle East expert (USA/Israel)
  • Colin Mitchell, author and pastor at Kehilat HaCarmel (United Kingdom/Israel)
  • Shilo Ben Hod, house of prayer and worship leader (Israel)
  • Farhan Aleid, pastor at JMS Altensteig (Syria/Germany)
  • Alexei Tentiuc, Taekwondo world champion and missionary (Moldova/Greece)
  • Pastor Modeste, Project and Bible School Director at New Life Ghana (Burkina Faso)
  • Eric Supen, author and pastor (Nigeria/Germany)

As studied and certified translator, I charge the customary prices ascertained by the German Federal Association of Interpreters and Translators (BDÜ). My individual fee is calculated on an hourly basis, including travel time and plus travel costs.



I offer proofreading services for German and English texts, such as

  • bachelor/master theses,
  • video transcripts,
  • magazines or
  • books

The proofreading comprises the correction of spelling, punctuation, grammar, and style. If you provide me with an editable text (Word document), I will use the tracking and comment functions, so you can easily trace corrections and decide on your preferred version, especially in matters of style. My individual fee is calculated on an hourly basis. The time required to proofread depends on the level of difficulty, length, and scope of correction of your text.